Pre-Conference Workshops

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Multilingual Literacies as Resources in Educational Biographies

21 Nov 2023: 1000-1230

Venue: NIE Campus, TR710

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Ingrid Gogolin
(University of Hamburg, Germany)

 Dr. Irina Usanova
(University of Hamburg, Germany)

The workshop addresses the complex development of multiliteracies in linguistically diverse contexts. The presented research is based on the data on reading and writing in multilingual adolescents in analogous and digital modes gathered in a German longitudinal study on language development in multilingual students (MEZ). The workshop addresses the interrelation of literacies in multilingual repertoires: their role as resources in the educational biographies of immigrant students. In discussing the influence of multiliteracies on learning, innovative assessments of multilingual skills are presented, and adaptability of these assessments to different national contexts is discussed.

With this workshop, participants will

  • gain an overview of the resources-oriented perspective on multiliteracies in multilingual students;
  • discuss approaches to the assessment of multiliteracies in multilingual repertoires.


Challenges and Trends in Education

21 Nov 2023:1330-1630

Venue: NIE Campus, TR712

Prof. Dr. Stephan Gerhard Huber 

(Chair of Excellence for Leadership, Quality Management and Innovation, University of Linz, and Head of Research University of Teacher Education Zug, Director of Studies of Leadership and Innovation University of Teacher Education Schwyz)

The workshop highlights the complex dynamics of challenges and trends in education. Challenges for schools derive from society, - on global, regional and local level. Moreover, the challenges for schools evolve through new policies in the education system. Additionally, schools are also challenged through specific developments on organizational level. What are these challenges, what are central trends? Culture, context and contingency matter. What role do strategy development and implementation with a context-specific fit to school context play? What implications do digital change including artificial intelligence, democracy crisis, New Work approaches with new forms of health management, staff shortage, climate change, sustainability goals and aspirations of social inequality and inclusive education have?. How can these trends and challenges be addressed on various levels in the education system, the classroom, the staff, the whole school, the system? Studies about different challenges show that leadership, strategy, collaboration, such as  change capacity and a positive school culture are critical factors in leading education into a dynamic and impactful future.

In this workshop participants will

  • gain an overview of the current challenges and trends in education,
  • discuss research designs and findings about changes and trends in education,
  • elaborate approaches to adequately address these challenges,
  • reflect on joint actions in research, policy development and implementation but also the support and the professionalization of actors on system and school level and the necessity of education networks and strategy alliances besides responsible leadership and responsible research (and responsive research).


Blended Learning Through Seamless Learning Experience 

21 Nov 2023: 1330-1630

Venue: NIE Campus, TR711

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Dr Wong Lung Hsiang

(National Institute of Education, Singapore)

In the past years, blended learning has been launched and practiced in many schools worldwide. This provides new opportunities for teachers to exploit the transformative potential of technology and blended learning to move towards Modification and Re-definition - by creating seamless learning experiences for students across the classroom environment and beyond. In this workshop, participants will gain a better understanding of blended learning and the principles of designing blended lessons and activities. Participants will get to hear how some schools have applied blended learning to design authentic learning activities that facilitate students' learning trajectories of sense making, practice and reflection. 

At the end of the workshop, participants will 

  • Gain a better understanding of the principles of design for blended lessons.
  • Be provided with opportunities to reflect on new strategies that engage students seamlessly in blended learning.

Student Self-Assessment

21 Nov 2023: 1330-1630

Venue: NIE Campus, TR709

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Dr Wong Hwei Ming
(National Institute of Education, Singapore)

This workshop hopes to provide teachers who are new to student self-assessment with a better understanding of its potential benefits to teachers and students. The workshop will look at setting the stage for the self-assessment implementation and introduce a variety of self-assessment strategies with a hands-on session for teachers.

At the end of the workshop, participants will 

  • Gain a better understanding of student self-assessment. 

Be provided with a repertoire of self-assessment strategies  

Unravelling the Core of Character and Citizenship Education in Singapore

21 Nov 2023: 1330-1630

Venue: NIE Campus, TR209 (Note the change in venue)

A person smiling for a picture Description automatically generated
Dr Yvonne Seng
(National Institute of Education, Singapore)

Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) is crucial for fostering students' holistic development in Singapore. The nation's CCE 2021 embraces an integrated approach to promote values, character, socio-emotional well-being, and citizenship dispositions. Participants will delve into Singapore's CCE landscape and core concepts in this pre-conference workshop. Furthermore, participants will examine CCE pedagogy and acquire practical techniques to facilitate meaningful discourse.

At the end of the workshop, participants will 

  • Gain an understanding of Singapore's CCE framework, its core principles, and their application in promoting holistic student growth.
  • Acquire hands-on experience with CCE pedagogical strategies, equipping them to facilitate engaging discussions to foster character and citizenship development in students.
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