Programme Schedule

Concurrent Schedule and Abstracts

Please click the links below to access the schedule for Concurrent Presentation Sessions 1-6 for the different presentation types.

(Updated on 22 Nov 2023)

Papers and Roundtable Sessions
Symposium Sessions
Poster Session Venues 

NEW* - Abstracts for all concurrent sessions (click here)

No re-scheduling request will be accepted.  Presenters are required to avail themselves for the date/time of the presentation.
Valid requests may be accepted upon payment of an administration charge of SGD25.

Refer to Instructions for Presenters

Visit the Art Gallery at NIE Block 1 Level 1 Conference Room (NIE1-01-09)

21 Nov Tuesday 

1000 – 1230Pre-Conference Workshop 1 (WERA)NIE Tutorial Rooms
1330 – 1630Pre-Conference Workshop 2 (WERA)
Pre-Conference Workshops 3-5 (ERAS)
NIE Tutorial Rooms

22 Nov Wednesday

0800 – 0900Welcome Reception for VIPsNIE Block 1 Conference Room
0900 – 0945Opening CeremonyNIE Lecture Theatre 1
0955 – 1055

KEYNOTE LECTURE 1 – ERAS/WERA Presidential Address by Assoc Prof Chua Bee Leng
Title: Preparing teachers: Always future-ready and never totally ready
NIE Lecture Theatre 1

1055 – 1115Tea BreakVarious Function Spaces
1115 – 1215

KEYNOTE LECTURE 2 – Prof Lin Goodwin
Title: Dead ideas, missing ideas, and enduring idea(l)s: Perspectives for seeing teacher education with fresh eyes
NIE Lecture Theatre 1

1215 – 1300Lunch Break[not included]
1300 – 1430Concurrent Presentation Session 1NIE Tutorial Rooms
1430 – 1450Tea BreakVarious Function Spaces
1450 – 1620Concurrent Presentation Session 2NIE Tutorial Rooms
1630 – 1800Concurrent Presentation Session 3NIE Tutorial Rooms
1530 - 1630WERA Doctoral and Early Career Network (WERA-DEC) MeetingU-Connect at Blk 2 Level 2-01
1630 – 1730Meet the Editors SessionU-Connect at Blk 2 Level 2-01

23 Nov Thursday

0900 – 1000

KEYNOTE LECTURE 3 – Prof Gustavo Fischman
Title: We deserve the research that we measure and reward: A humble proposal to make education research more usable and trustworthy
NIE Lecture Theatre 1

1000 – 1100

KEYNOTE LECTURE 4 – Assoc Prof Tan Seng Chee
Title: Forging Ahead: Teaching And Learning With Technology In A Post-Pandemic World
NIE Lecture Theatre 1

1100 – 1130Tea BreakVarious function spaces
1130 – 1230

Title: Authentic Learning: A Key to Future-Proofing our Students
NIE Lecture Theatre 1
1230 – 1300Lunch Break[not included]
1300 – 1430Poster PresentationNIE Tutorial Rooms
1430 – 1600Concurrent Presentation Session 4NIE Tutorial Rooms
1830 – 2100Conference Dinner
Dress code: Formal/ Business
Churchill Room @ The Tanglin Club
(5 Stevens Rd, Singapore 257814)

24 Nov Friday

0900 – 1000

KEYNOTE LECTURE 6 – Prof Irma Eloff
Title: Teaching sustainability: the critical role of education in creating prosperity, peace and partnerships for people and the planet
NIE Lecture Theatre 1

1000 – 1100

KEYNOTE LECTURE 7 – Prof Kenneth Poon
Title: Two Decades of Support for Primary and Secondary Students with Special Educational Needs in Singapore: What Next for Research?
NIE Lecture Theatre 1

1100 – 1200Lunch Break[not included]
1200 – 1330Concurrent Presentation Session 5NIE Tutorial Rooms
1340 – 1510Concurrent Presentation Session 6NIE Tutorial Rooms
1510 – 1530Tea BreakVarious function spaces
1530 – 1630Closing Ceremony and Prize Giving AwardsNIE Lecture Theatre 1
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