Information to Presenters

Conference Formats

In addition to plenary sessions where keynote speakers will address the whole assembly, concurrent sessions will be organized in the following format:

  1. Paper Sessions
  2. Poster Sessions 
  3. Symposiums
  4. Roundtable Sessions 


Instructions to Presenters

All presentation formats are to be delivered in English.

1. Paper presentations
The time allocated for each paper presentation is 30 minutes (20 mins presentation and 10 mins of discussion/Q&A). Computers are available at the venues for your presentations. Remember to save your slides into a flash drive.

Instructions for Session Chairpersons (Paper & Roundtable presentations) 

The final presenters for each paper presentation slot will serve as the session chairpersons. To facilitate the smooth delivery of presentations, session chairpersons are requested to make sure that: 

 each session begins on time; 

  1. each paper presentation is allocated 30 minutes; 
  2. the entire session/symposium is kept to the allocated 90 minutes time slot; and 
  3. each session ends on time, with a few concluding remarks from the session chairperson.

2. Poster presentations (Presenters need to bring their own laptop to connect to the monitor)
The time allocated for each poster presentation session is 90 minutes. Each poster presenter will have access to a separate monitor to display your poster digitally. You must bring your laptop for your poster presentation. Up to four poster presenters will be assigned to a tutorial room for the poster sessions. Your poster presentation should include: 

  • Title
  • Authors' names
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results of the study
  • Discussion
  • Pictorial images (e.g., graphs and tables) depicting key results 

You may use this template (portrait) or this template (landscape) for poster presentations. Alternatively, you may choose to use your own designs or templates.

3. Symposiums

The time allocated for each symposium is 90 minutes. Each symposium should have between three to five papers. The chair of the symposium will be appointed by the presenters. A discussant is optional. Computers will be provided at the conference venue. 

Instructions for Session Chairpersons (Symposium presentations) 

The chairpersons for symposiums are appointed by the symposium presenters. To facilitate the smooth delivery of presentations, symposium chairpersons are requested to make sure that: 

  1. each session begins on time; 
  2. each paper presentation is allocated equal amount of time depending on the number of papers; 
  3. the entire symposium session is kept to the allocated 90 minutes time slot; and 
  4. each session ends on time, with a few concluding remarks from the session chairperson


Conference Proceedings
Presenters do not need to submit full papers. Conference proceedings will not be published. Presenters with full papers can consider submitting to the journal Educational Research Policy and Practice for consideration.


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