
WERA Poster Awards 

At each Focal Meeting of the World Education Research Association, awards are given for the best poster presentations. Posters are judged by members of the WERA Poster Award Evaluation Committee. Consideration is given to the global scope of the presented research, scientific rigour, contribution to the field, appropriateness of the methodological approach, transparency of presented results, and overall poster design. The award winners will be announced at the Closing ceremony.

WERA Doctoral and Early Career Network (WERA-DEC) Meeting 

Date: Wednesday 22, November 2023.
Time: 15:30 – 16:30
Venue: U-Connect (Block 2, Level 2, Room 01) 

This event welcomes all early career scholars and graduate students to an informative session designed to introduce them to the world of WERA. The meeting includes an initial introduction and networking session, followed by the Meet-the-Editors session at the same venue. This gathering serves as an opportunity for participants to immerse themselves in the WERA community, fostering professional development, active engagement, and networking in education research worldwide.

Meet the Editors Session

The ERAS-WERA 2023 Organising Committee would like to invite all early career researchers and graduate students to a Meet the Editors Session.
Interact and network with like-minded peers as well as the executive editors from the journal of Educational Research for Policy and Practice (ERPP) published by Springer, and gain valuable insights.
Learn more about the ins-and-outs of journal publishing and how to improve your chances in publishing your work.
**Participants are strongly encouraged to bring along their draft working paper to get specific feedback on areas for improvement during the session.

Click here or scan the QR code in the poster to register. Looking forward to seeing you at the event!

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